Tuesday 19 February 2013

Pretty true statement!


Hi all,

So it turns out I need to start doing this with my photos. Luckily I haven't had anyone steal anything yet (that I'm aware of...:/). But I believe putting some HUGE watermark on the photo tends to deter the photo thieves that may be lurking out there.

So, if anyone knows how to watermark, OR knows of a great site that won't involve me using Photoshop (something I need to invest in in the near future) will you guys link them up :)


Photo Course

Excellent news people!

I start my 6 week beginners photo course on February 27th. Very excited about this. It's going to give me so much motivation to get my arse in gear to continue taking photos. 

I believe I'll be learning how my camera actually works. All the little buttons and gadget sections. It's really going to help me get everything I want out of it! Once I have a basis for this, I can just snap away knowing I'll have some great images coming out! 

Has anyone been on a photo course? Did you learn lots? Was it a good experience?

Let me know below in the comments section :)

All new photos I've taken will be uploaded here, and I will most definitely keep everyone posted (the 3 current followers I have) on the course.

Have a great day guys!